23 Feb 2015
Doha, 23 February 2015. During the ‘Youth Athletics Coaching Conference’ in November it was announced that the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) will recognize Aspire Academy as an ‘Accredited Training Centre’ (ATC). On Thursday the Academy received the official confirmation of its membership to this elite group.
“This accreditation is very important for us and it’s also a commitment since it builds the framework for a stronger partnership between Aspire Academy and IAAF and we are looking forward to welcoming more coaches and athletes from all over the world to our facilities in the future”, said Ivan Bravo, Director General of Aspire Academy when he welcomed IAAF Vice President and President of the Qatar Athletics Federation, Dahlan Al-Hamad and Malek El Hebil, Director of Development at IAAF.
The IAAF system for the Accreditation of Training Centres (ATC) has been developed in response to the growing demand for information about appropriate training centres for high performance. The aim of the System is to assist National Federations, Athletes and Coaches to make informed decisions regarding the suitability of a centre to meet their specific needs and requirements.
Only training centres that meet and accept the standardized criteria proposed by the IAAF which include high quality facilities, support services and appropriate coaching receive accreditation. The classification of the centres is based upon technical criteria including track & field facilities, accommodation, coaches etc. Currently the IAAF is establishing a worldwide ATC network.
Find out more about ATC on www.iaaf.org.