
Aspire Academy’s curriculum is partially governed by Qatar’s Ministry of Education and Higher Education which has developed curriculum standards in four subjects: Arabic, English, mathematics and science. These standards are internationally benchmarked against exam boards and international universities in other countries. Student-athletes who meet the standards are expected to be competitive for college admission and jobs throughout the world. Our own graduates have gone onto universities throughout the Middle East, the United Kingdom and the United States among others.
The curriculum is divided into the explicit, the implicit and the extracurricular. The explicit curriculum lays the foundations for our students to meet all the requirements of higher education. The implicit curriculum is found in programmes like the leadership development programme and the boarding programme and focus on developing student-athletes’ character and behaviour.
Numerous engaging activities, such as volunteering and leadership classes, are organised to build character among student-athletes and to distinguish them from other students. In addition, the Academy plans and organises a range of extracurricular activities and service learning days to instill ideals such as life-long learning and care for the global and local communities in student-athletes.

Specialisation at High School

Once students reach high school level, the curriculum standards consist of a mixture of both national and international standards, adapted to meet student-athletes’ specific characters and needs.

In Grade 10, all student-athletes follow the same programme, but in the final two academic years, they have the chance to specialise in one of two academic pathways, either science and art. Science includes an Advanced-Level Mathematics, Biology, Physics, Chemistry and a Foundation-level Arabic, Islamic Studies, English, and French/Spanish. Whilst the arts subjects include Advanced-level Arabic, Islamic Studies, English, Geography and History, and Sport Psychology, and Foundation-level Mathematics and the General Sciences.